First-Time CrimFit Participant Amelia Shares Her Motivating Story
Amelia Murphy, CrimFit first-timer
This is a year of change for me. At the start of 2017, my husband and I started to think about the future. We want to start a family, but there are some obstacles ahead in order for us to even get there. One of the main ones is my health. I'll admit, I am very overweight and on several medications to manage the effects my weight has had on my body. I know that in order to have a healthier pregnancy, the weight needs to come off.
I was looking for something to challenge myself, and I recently found the motivation to change through the CrimFit training program. I’m a first time participant, and I’m training for the HAP Crim Festival of Races on August 26.
When I first started this program, I worried people would judge me. That worry was put to rest when I started. Not a single participant looked down on me or judged me for my size. I was congratulated and motivated to do my best, and I met a group of really awesome people. For the first time, I was among people who understood where I come from. In the past, I’ve had some people in my life who didn’t want to hear about my weight loss struggles and looked down on me when I had a cheat day. This group has been there to support me the whole time and remind me that I just need to keep moving forward.
At the beginning, my focus was to lose weight. Now that I am getting into it, I’ve found I feel great after a workout and have more energy. I have a friend who also joined the group with me because she was motivated by my participation. She’s not the only one. My husband noticed I have more energy too and has also become more active and lost weight.
I love the group I run with. They are so positive and inspiring. We are a mixed group so there is a chance I may end up training for the 8k instead and completing that. This group of individuals made me think that I can reach that goal, and I am so motivated because of it! I am so glad I found this program.
I will be walking in the 8K race at the Crim and I’m really looking forward to it. I always dreamt that I’d actually participate in the Crim someday. Well, here I am. I am very excited to be a participant and to enjoy the atmosphere and everything the weekend has to offer.
HAP members, there’s still time to sign up for the Crim’s 5K, 8K and 10 mile courses. Don’t forget you get a discount on race registration! Log in to your account and select “Member Events” in the “My Health and Wellness” tab to get the discount code. Categories: Get Healthy , Get Moving