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3 Reasons to Get Your Flu Shot Today

Flu season is around the corner, and there’s no better time than now to start preparing to stay healthy this flu season.

How? The flu shot.

It’s the first and most important step to protect yourself from the flu, according to the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionTake everyday precautions too, like washing your hands, eating right and getting your z’s. Check out our recent post for more tips on cold and flu prevention.

There are many reasons to get the flu shot, but here are my top three:

Number 1

  The flu shot helps keep you from getting sick with the flu and makes your illness milder if you do get sick

Getting the flu is the worst. The aches, the chills, the general feeling of terribleness. Yes, I said terribleness. Do you know what I think is the best thing about the flu? That was a trick question. The answer is nothing! I get a flu shot every year so I don’t get the flu.

Number 2

  It doesn’t take much time to get one

Including drive time, parking and even waiting in line, it might take an hour to get your flu shot. But getting sick can knock you out for a few days, and if you’re like any of us, you don’t have time to get sick. There are lots of convenient places to get your flu shot. Take a few minutes to get a flu shot and prevent the sickness. 

Places to get a flu shot:

 Some employers even offer flu shots on site.*

Number 3

  They’re affordable

Your HAP plan will probably pay for it. Call Customer Service to see if the flu shot is a covered benefit for your plan.

*If you’re an employer looking for a flu shot clinic, contact our wellness team.

Learn about Who Needs A Flu Vaccine.




Want to know more about the flu and where to get a flu shot covered by HAP?

Flu Shot

Check out our related post: All About Flu Shots: Myths, Facts and Why You Should Get One.

Categories: Get Healthy





Categories: Get Healthy