This Thanksgiving, Cut the Calories and Add Some Color to Your Plate
Before you sit down and dig in this holiday season, look at your plate. If it’s a little too beige, consider adding some color to your plate. You can still enjoy mainstays like mac and& cheese, pasta or rice with a handful of colorful mixed veggies. The more colorful the vegetables, the more antioxidant power they yield. You’ll also save calories, too.
Additional tips for a thinner holiday dinner:
- Slow down. Eat slowly, chew your food well and enjoy the flavors and textures of the meal.
- Hydrate. Drink plenty of water. Alcoholic beverages and caffeine are dehydrating. Water will help you feel fuller so you don’t overeat.
- Go skinless. Keep your turkey portion to 4oz and leave the skin behind. Turkey is high in protein, low in fat and is an important source of vitamin B.
- Get moving. Take a walk before and after dinner. Encourage family members to join in.
For more healthy tips all year long, check these out.
Categories: Get Healthy