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Covered Drug Lists

There are different drug lists to choose from based on the patient's plan.

Drug finder tools

For Qualified Health Plans
For Commercial Health Plans
2025 Medicare Formulary (PDF)

Press Ctrl+F (Command+F for Mac) and type in the name of the drug to see whether it's included in the covered drug list for your type of plan. The drug name will be highlighted.

You can search the formulary to check the status of a specific drug or look at a drug category. You can also view or print the complete formulary document. A printed copy of the drug formulary and related documents are also available upon request. We post the drug formularies on the website annually with updates throughout the year. If there are changes that result in drug restrictions or replacements, we’ll notify affected members and their prescriber.

Due to routine updates, please check this site often to be sure you are using current information.