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Letters to HAP and Aetna Providers

If you are a Serra Automotive employee residing in Northern or West Michigan, or if you reside outside the state of Michigan, we are hoping your transition into the HAP HMO or EPO health plans goes smoothly, especially between you and the health providers in your area. The letters below will assist in communicating to your chosen provider that you have health coverage under the HAP HMO and EPO plans.

Employees Residing in Northern and West MI

As a Serra Automotive employee residing Northern or West Michigan, you have coverage under the HMO or EPO health plans with HAP. If you need assistance finding a network provider, you may use the HAP Find a Doctor search tool to locate providers in your area that take the HAP HMO or EPO plans. Under the HMO plan, you are required to choose a primary care physician (PCP), but you do not need a referral to see a

In the event that your provider does not know who we are, HAP has put together the following letter to give them that explains your coverage and how to get in touch with us. They are welcome to verify your participation status or to initiate a contract with us, please email  Please click the button below to download and save/print the letter.

Employees Residing Outside of Michigan

As a Serra Automotive employee residing outside of Michigan, you have an exclusive provider organization (EPO) health plan with HAP. This type of plan combines the flexibility of a PPO with the cost savings of an HMO. As an EPO member outside of Michigan, you are covered through the Aetna nationwide network.

This provides you with a larger network of providers without the need to choose a PCP. It also means you do not need a referral to see a specialist.

In the event that your provider does not know who we are, use the following letter to give to them that explains your coverage and how to get in touch with us. They are welcome to verify their participation status with us by contacting the HAP provider relations team at (866) 766-4661. Please click the button below to download/save the letter.